Prenatal tests at FemiClinic
Prenatal tests to badania przeprowadzane w trakcie ciąży: nieiwazyjne: Usg, DNA płodu z krwi matki (NIPT) oraz inwazyjne m.in. amniopunkcja. Wykonuje się je w każdym trymestrze ciąży, rozpoczynając od NIPT już od 10 tygodnia ciąży (tc) , poprzez usg genetyczne wraz testem PAPP-A 11-13+ 6 tc, Usg połówkowe 20-24 t.cc, aż po Usg 3 trymestru 28-32 t.c. Badania te oceniają zdrowie płodu: występowanie lub ryzyko występowania nieprawidłowości genetycznych np. trisomii 21, dużych oraz małych wad w budowie płodu (wady serca, mózgu itd).
W FemiClinic proponujemy naszym Pacjentkom nieinwazyjne badania prenatalne.

Nieinwazyjna diagnostyka prenatalna zwiększa skuteczność wykrywania ciąż z płodem obarczonym trisomią 21 (zespołem Downa), wrodzonymi wadami rozwojowymi i innymi nieprawidłowościami genetycznymi. Badania prenatalne zalecane są wszystkim Ciężarnym. A szczególnie Kobietom po 35 roku życia, nosicielkom mutacji genetycznych, Pacjentkom które urodziły wcześniej chore dziecko.

Non-invasive tests consist of ultrasound examination (USG) and tests assessing the concentration of specific substances in the mother's blood (double biochemical test, i.e. the so-called PAPP-A test and tests using free fetal DNA - NIPT: NIFTY and Harmony. Non-invasive tests and allow to assess individual risk of developmental defects and genetic diseases Non-invasive prenatal tests are completely safe for both the mother and the fetus, they can be performed on every pregnant woman, regardless of age.
To determine the plan of prenatal examinations, it is worth consulting a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at an early stage of pregnancy.
At FemiClinic, we offer the following non-invasive prenatal tests:
  • Pregnancy ultrasound in the 1st trimester with an assessment of the risk of genetic diseases (11-13+6 weeks of pregnancy)+6 tydzień ciąży)
  • PAPP-A test
  • Pregnancy ultrasound of the 2nd trimester (20-24 weeks)
  • Pregnancy ultrasound of the 3rd trimester (28-32 weeks)
  • NIFTY Basic test
  • NIFTY Standard test
  • NIFTY Plus test
  • NIFTY Twins test
  • Basic Harmony test
  • Standard Harmony test
  • Harmony extended test
Prenatal tests do not require any special preparation.

Patients presenting for fetal DNA testing from maternal blood NIPT (NIFTY, HARMONY):
  • They don't have to be fasting
  • Must be 10 weeks pregnant.
  • They should book an appointment at the collection point for blood collection
Patients applying for the PAPP-A test:
  • If the Patient wishes to receive the result during the ultrasound examination, she should sign up for blood collection before the ultrasound examination (at least 1 day before) (respected blood test for this test only from the FemiClinic facility). Blood sampling may also take place after the ultrasound examination - in this case the waiting time for the result is longer.
  • They should book an appointment at the collection point for blood collection
  • They don't have to be fasting
  • Ultrasound examination time: 11 weeks + 0 days - 13 weeks + 6 days
During ultrasound examinations, the pregnant woman may be accompanied by a selected accompanying person.

Ultrasound examination can be recorded on appropriate carriers, such a request should be addressed to the doctor performing the examination.

To ensure the highest quality and safety of prenatal examinations performed at FemiClinic, ultrasound examinations are performed only by Specialists with FMF Certificates using the highest quality Voluson E8 Expert ultrasound scanners.

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Our mission

FemiClinic is a place created by Dr. Marta Blumska-Janiak, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, an international expert in the field of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, and Jacek Rajnowski-Janiak, a manager with many years of experience and success in the field of management. FemiClinic was created primarily for women. With them, their needs and expectations in mind. FemiClinic is a clinic for women at every stage of life where we provide them with comprehensive, holistic care. The FemiClinic team includes the best specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, endocrinology, diabetes, ultrasound, genetic testing and rehabilitation. FemiClinic - caring for women.

Femiclinic offer

Modern gynecology
Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology
Healthy pregnancy
Prenatal ultrasound
Prenatal diagnosis
Gynecological laser
Microneedle radiofrequency
Aesthetic medicine
Plastic surgery

Urogynecological rehabilitation
School of childbirth
Sample collection facility
HPV vaccinations
Training for doctors

Fundacja Filip


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Weronika Książkiewicz