Our entire team consists of top class specialists.

Marta Blumska-Janiak, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

assoc.prof. Marta Szajnik, MD, PhD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Alina Kardasz-Cywoniuk, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Dorota Beata Wakuła, MD

specialist in endocrinology and internal medicine

Ewa Kaszuba-Wojtachnio, MD

specialist in endocrinology
specialist in diabetology

Patrycjusz Zieniuk, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology
specialist in endocrinology

Lidia Korczyńska, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Edyta Dziech, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Monika Szafarowska, MD, PhD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, during the specialization in oncological gynecology

Magdalena Biela, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology 

Katarzyna Koneczna Weiss, MD
specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Jakub Doruchowski, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Magdalena Biela, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology 

Jakub Doruchowski, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Agnieszka Łojek-Ozga, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Ewa Żmuda, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Agnieszka Stępniak-Sadowska, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Wanda Gajzlerska, MD, PhD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology
plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology

Grzegorz Rębiś, MD

specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

Paula Dmochowska, MD

aesthetic medicine doctor, surgeon

Justyna Jończyk, MD, PhD

specialist in plastic surgery

Monika Maćkowska, MD

radiology and imaging specialist 

Ewelina Dziuk, MD

radiology and imaging specialist

Joanna Wawdejuk, MA


Natalia Wasilewska, MA


mgr Magda Krawczyk

coordinator of the nurses and midwives team

Monika Dobkowska


Paulina Ostrowska, MA



Natalia Piskorz

reception and administration manager


Aleksandra Łowicka

patient service specialist

Tomasz Aksamitowski

patient service specialist

Free WiFi

to pay by card

Friendly place
for the disabled


Call 510 511 511

Our mission

FemiClinic is a place created by Dr. Marta Blumska-Janiak, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, an international expert in the field of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, and Jacek Rajnowski-Janiak, a manager with many years of experience and success in the field of management. FemiClinic was created primarily for women. With them, their needs and expectations in mind. FemiClinic is a clinic for women at every stage of life where we provide them with comprehensive, holistic care. The FemiClinic team includes the best specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, endocrinology, diabetes, ultrasound, genetic testing and rehabilitation. FemiClinic - caring for women.

Femiclinic offer

Modern gynecology
Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology
Healthy pregnancy
Prenatal ultrasound
Prenatal diagnosis
Gynecological laser
Microneedle radiofrequency
Aesthetic medicine
Plastic surgery

Urogynecological rehabilitation
School of childbirth
Sample collection facility
HPV vaccinations
Training for doctors

Fundacja Filip


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Weronika Książkiewicz