Consultationod 260 zł Cytology LBC130 zł Cytology80 zł HPV DNA HR 14 types230 zł Cytology LBC + HPV DNA HR 14 types - package280 zł KTG90 zł Endometrial biopsy with hist-pat examination (endosampler)650 zł Gynecological consultation with selection and insertion of a pessary550 zł Additional fee for setting up a maternity pessary100 zł Injection50 zł GBS swab for a pregnant woman70 zł Prescription without consultation (continuation of treatment)80 zł Insertion of the Implanton NXT contraceptive implant1450 zł Insertion of the Kyleen IUD1500 zł Insertion of Mirena IUD1500 zł Insertion of the Mirena/Kyleena IUD under general anesthesia2900 zł Insertion of T380Ag IUD930 zł Removal of the contraceptive implant500 zł Removal of the intrauterine device450 zł Vaginal swab (aerobic bacteria + mycology145 zł Vaginal/cervical smear (aerobic, anaerobic bacteria and mycology)220 zł Cervical swab for Mycoplasma hominis245 zł Cervical swab for Ureaplasma215 zł Histopathology120 zł Test Rhd Płodu (Sanco)460 zł Test EndoRNA qRT-PCR2300 zł Test Cancer Screen Basic1500 zł Test Cancer Screen Standard1900 zł Test Cancer Screen Pro2350 zł Cerebellectomy of the cervical canal and uterine cavity2500 zł Cervical polyp removal with cervical canal biopsy and hist-pat examination850 zł Laser excision of a hypertrophied hymen (hymenektomia/hymenotomia)1700 zł Laserowe usuwanie zmian skórnych okolic intymnych (cena bez hist-pat)od 500 zł Laser therapy for glandular ectopia (erosion)800 zł Sono HSG (ExEm Foam) HyCoSy950 zł Consultation for Patients with gestational diabetesod 300 zł Infertility consultation (first visit, 40 min)520 zł Intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma1200 zł Endometriosis consultation - without ultrasound520 zł Endometriosis consultation with ultrasound690 zł Endometriosis consultation with ultrasound - follow-up visit550 zł Perioperative consultation420 zł Colposcopy with consultation450 zł Vulvoscopy with consultation450 zł Colposcopy + taking samples + examining the samples (2)870 zł Taking samples (biopsy) from the vulva, cervix + examination of samples580 zł Consultation + taking samples (biopsy) from the vulva, cervix + examination of samples700 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 1 ampoule - 2 ml440 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 2 ampoules - 4 ml620 zł Morpheus8 V - 1 zabieg2090 zł Morpheus8 V - 2 zabieg1890 zł Morpheus8 V - 3 zabieg1690 zł Morpheus8 V - PAKIET 2 zabiegów3390 zł Morpheus8 V - PAKIET 3 zabiegów4590 zł FormaV - 1 treatment1700 zł FormaV - 2 treatment1500 zł FormaV - 3 treatment1300 zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 2 treatments2700 zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 3 treatments3400 zł V-Tone - PACKAGE of 3 treatments, valid for 2 months1600 zł V-Tone - PAKIET 6 zabiegów2600 zł V-Tone - additional treatment above the package of 6 treatments300 zł Empower PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments)5800 zł Empower + PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments) + V-Tone (3 treatments)6800 zł
Plastic/regenerative/aesthetic gynecology consultationfrom 300zł O-shot-PRP - sensitization of the clitoris1190zł O-shot-PRP - sensitization of the clitoris PACKAGE (2 treatments, valid for 3 months)2090zł O-shot-PRP + HA - sensitization of the clitoris1360zł O-shot-PRP+HA - sensitization of the clitoris PACKAGE (2 treatments, valid for 3 months)2390zł Labiaplasty of the labia minora6700 - 7100zł Labiaplasty with perineoplasty8100 - 8400zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty7600 - 8500zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty + perineoplasty9500 - 11300zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty + plasty of the posterior vaginal wall and perineum 13600 - 14800zł Posterior wedge labiaplasty with deepitalization8200 - 9000zł Labiaplasty of the labia major6100 - 6800zł Unilateral labiaplasty4500zł Labiaplasty - correction after surgery performed outside FemiClinicod 7500zł Hoodoplastyod 3700zł Hoodoplasty - correction after surgery performed outside FemiClinicfrom 4500zł Vaginoplasty (plasty of the posterior vaginal wall)6500 - 7100zł Vaginoplasty (plasty of the posterior vaginal wall) with perineoplasty7800 - 8500zł Perineoplasty4100 - 4600zł Cesarean section scar plastic surgery950zł Cesarean section scar plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid augmentation2050zł Laser excision of a hypertrophied hymen (hymenektomia/hymenotomia)1800zł Vaginal threads1700zł Scar laser therapy (including - after episiotomy and scars after C- section)from 600zł Scar laser therapy – PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)1500zł Vulva laser therapy 1st treatment900zł Vulva laser therapy 2nd treatment800zł Vulva laser therapy 3rd treatment700zł Vulvar laser therapy – PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)1999zł Laser firming of labia minora1099zł Laser removal of perianal skin folds (anoderms) or external hemorrhoids900zł Laser removal of skin lesions in the intimate area1300zł Laser removal of skin lesions in the intimate areafrom 500zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 1st treatment750zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 2nd treatment650zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 3rd-5th treatment500zł Laseroterapia rozstępów skórnych - PAKIET (5 zabiegów)2400zł MonaLisa Touch 1st treatment1700zł MonaLisa Touch 2nd treatment1450zł MonaLisa Touch 3rd treatment1100zł MonaLisa Touch - PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)3500zł "G" point enlargement1700zł Lightening of intimate areas 1 treatment900zł Lightening of intimate areas 2 treatment800zł Rozjaśnianie okolic intymnych III zabieg i kolejne700zł Rozjaśnianie okolic intymnych – PAKIET (5 zabiegów)3300zł Hyaluronic acid - labia majora 3 ml1600zł Hyaluronic acid - labia majora 6 ml2500zł PRX-T Lady - needle-free revitalization and whitening of the intimate area - 1 treatment PRX-T490zł PRX-T Lady - a package of 3 treatments1250zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 1 ampoule - 2 ml440 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 2 ampoules - 4 ml620 zł ------- EmpowerRF treatments - NEW! ------- Morpheus8V - 1 treatment2090zł Morpheus8V - 2 treatment1890zł Morpheus8V - 3 treatment1690zł Morpheus8V - PAKIET 2 zabiegów3390zł Morpheus8V - PAKIET 3 zabiegów4590zł FormaV - 1 treatment1700zł FormaV - 2 treatment1500zł FormaV - 3 treatment1300zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 2 treatments2700zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 3 treatments3400zł V-Tone - PACKAGE of 3 treatments, valid for 2 months1600zł V-Tone - PAKIET 6 zabiegów2600zł V-Tone - additional treatment above the package of 6 treatments300zł Empower PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments)5800zł Empower + PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments) + V-Tone (3 treatments)6800zł Follow-up consultation after treatments/operations performed at FemiClinic180zł We kindly inform you that in the event of resignation from treatments within the packages or resignation from the planned treatment within the package without prior cancellation, the funds are not refundable.
NIFTY STANDARD2300 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 i aneuploidie chromosomów płci NIFTY TWINS STANDARD2300 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 NIFTY PLUS2600 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, syndromy delecji i duplikacji NIFTY PRO2500 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, syndromy delecji i duplikacji NIFTY TWINS PRO2500 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, syndromy delecji i duplikacji HARMONY BASIC/GEMINI2350 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 HARMONY STANDARD2450 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 i aneuploidie chromosomów płci HARMONY EXTENDED2600 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecja 22q11.2 - zespół Di George'a PANORAMA2350 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci PANORAMA PLUS2500 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecja 22q11.2 - zespół Di George'a PANORAMA PRO2700 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a) VERACITY2150 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a) VERAGENE (mother and father)2650 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a), określenie ryzyka występowania około 100 chorób monogenalnych autosomalnych recesywnych, np.: mukowiscydozy
Pregnancy ultrasound 11-14 weeks + PAPPA test750złPappa Prisca test560złPregnancy ultrasound 11 weeks250złPregnancy ultrasound 11-14 weeks380złPregnancy ultrasound 18-22 weeks380złPregnancy ultrasound after 30 weeks350złPregnancy ultrasound (non-refferal)310złFlash drive with recording of the ultrasound examination (at the Patient's request)60złGynecological ultrasound (TV, transvaginal)250złSonovaginography - ultrasounf of endometriosis590złSonovaginography - endometriosis ultrasound with consultation (40 min)690złUltrasound monitoring ovulation - another test150złAuxiliary ultrasound – without a result printout (gynecological and pregnancy)100złAdditional fee for pregnancy ultrasound - multiple pregnancy100złAdditional fee for pregnancy ultrasound (11-14 weeks, 18-22 weeks, after 30 weeks) - multiple pregnancy180zł
Breast ultrasound250złThyroid ultrasound250złUltrasound of the prostate through the abdominal wall220złUltrasound of lymph nodes220złUltrasound of the salivary glands220złAbdominal ultrasound250złUrinary ultrasound220złCarotid ultrasound220zł
Aesthetic medicine consultation260 zł Aesthetic medicine consultation before the procedure performed after the consultationfree of charge Morpheus treatments – latest generation microneedle radiofrequency Eye area - 1 procedure1250 zł Eye area - Package of 3 procedures3200 zł Face - 1 procedure1700 zł Face - Package of 3 procedures4200 zł Neck - 1 procedure1100 zł Neck - Package of 3 procedures2500 zł Face + Neck - 1 procedure2200 zł Face + Neck - 3 procedures4999 zł Face + Neck + Neckline - 1 procedure2500 zł Face + Neck + Neckline - Package of 3 procedures5999 zł Stretch marks - 1 procedureod 1050 zł Buttocks - 1 procedure1500 zł Buttocks - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Thighs (price per area, i.e. front of thigh, back, inner side, outer side) Thighs - 1 treatment1500 zł Thighs - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Buttocks + back of thigh (2*) - 1 treatment2999 zł Buttocks + back of thigh (2*) - Package of 3 treatments6999 zł Knees - 1 treatment1100 zł Knees - Package of 3 treatments2950 zł Abdomen - 1 treatment1500 zł Abdomen - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Hands - 1 treatment950 zł Hands - Package of 3 treatments2099 zł Arms - 1 treatment1500 zł Arms - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł * Treatment combined with platelet-rich plasma one area + 700 PLN * Treatment combined with platelet-rich plasma two or three areas + 900 PLN Botox – treatments using botulinum toxin Botox 1 area650 zł Botox 2 areas1150 zł Botox 3 areas1500 zł Botox bruxismod 1200 zł Botox cobblestone chin500 zł Botox neck wrinkle correction650 zł Botox cleavage wrinkle correction650 zł Botox gummy smile550 zł Botox nose tip correction350 zł Botox Lip flip400 zł Botox smoker's wrinkle correction450 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the hands1400 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the armpits1600 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the feet1600 zł Baby botox600 – 800 zł Post-treatment check-up between 2nd and 4th weekfree of charge Platelet-rich plasma – PRP RegenLab Face - 1 procedure800 zł Face - package of 3 treatments2100 zł Face and neck - 1 treatment1100 zł Face and neck - package of 3 treatments2800 zł Face, neck, neckline - 1 treatment1200 zł Face, neck, neckline - Package of 3 treatments3100 zł Hands - 1 treatment700 zł Hands - package of 3 treatments1800 zł Scalp - 1 treatment900 zł Scalp - package of 3 treatments2400 zł Mesotherapy MD-tissue (1 ampoule)600 zł Package of 3 treatments1500 zł Mesotherapy of the eye area Nucleofill polynucleotides - 1 treatment1300 zł Nucleofill polynucleotides - another treatment1250 zł Nucleofill polynucleotides - package of 3 treatments (valid for 3 months)3500 zł Volumetry (hyaluronic acid) Filling of nasolabial folds - 1-4 ml Cheek modeling - 2-6 ml Chin modeling - 1-3 ml Treatment using 1 ml1200 zł Each subsequent ml1000 zł Tissue biostimulators Karisma - 1 treatment1450 zł Karisma - another treatment1350 zł Karisma - package of 3 treatments (valid for 3 months)3700 zł
Consultation350złThyroid ultrasound250złThyroid biopsy410zł
Urogynecological consultation/rehabilitation (60 min.)290 zł Supporting ultrasound - free of charge if necessary.
Z uwagi na częsty problem nieobecności Pacjentek na zarezerwowanych wizytach u Specjalistki z zakresu rehabilitacji uroginekologicznej, wprowadziliśmy zadatek na rzecz umówionej wizyty.
W celu potwierdzenia ustalonego terminu, prosimy o wpłatę zadatku w ciągu 24 godzin od umówienia wizyty – w wysokości 100 zł – na konto bankowe FemiClinic: 56 1050 1041 1000 0092 3748 5017, tytułem: Imię i nazwisko, data wizyty, rehabilitacja uroginekologiczna.
Przedpłata podlega zwrotowi lub zaliczeniu na rzecz innego terminu pod warunkiem, że Pacjentka odwoła/przesunie umówioną wizytę najpóźniej do godziny 12:00 dnia poprzedzającego wizytę.
Preparation for childbirth with a midwife (1h) 280 złNewborn care - practical exercises (1h)280 złBabywearing workshops (2h)270zł ( 310zł z dojazdem do domu ) Patronage visit to a newborn with transport (1h) 300 złLactation advice/consultation (1.5 h) 320 zł
Preparation for pregnacy package 430 zł Pregnancy A package - I trimester705 zł Pregnancy B package - II trimester140 zł Pregnancy C package - III trimester275 zł Miscarriage package740 zł Contraception package180 zł Menstrual disorders package 510 zł Hormonal package 325 zł Thyroid package305 zł Metabolism package560 zł Preventive package for Women and Men305 zł Sexually transmitted diseases package310 zł Healthy Man package (suggested after the age of 40)425 zł Package Surgery/procedure in the field of plastic gynecology260 zł HPV vaccination - Gardasil 9 - 1 dose699 zł Qualification for vaccination during a medical consultation free of charge Qualification for vaccination (additional consultation - 15 min)120 zł
Consultationod 260 zł Cytology LBC130 zł Cytology80 zł HPV DNA HR 14 types230 zł Cytology LBC + HPV DNA HR 14 types - package280 zł KTG90 zł Endometrial biopsy with hist-pat examination (endosampler)650 zł Gynecological consultation with selection and insertion of a pessary550 zł Additional fee for setting up a maternity pessary100 zł Injection50 zł GBS swab for a pregnant woman70 zł Prescription without consultation (continuation of treatment)80 zł Insertion of the Implanton NXT contraceptive implant1450 zł Insertion of the Kyleen IUD1500 zł Insertion of Mirena IUD1500 zł Insertion of the Mirena/Kyleena IUD under general anesthesia2900 zł Insertion of T380Ag IUD930 zł Removal of the contraceptive implant500 zł Removal of the intrauterine device450 zł Vaginal swab (aerobic bacteria + mycology145 zł Vaginal/cervical smear (aerobic, anaerobic bacteria and mycology)220 zł Cervical swab for Mycoplasma hominis245 zł Cervical swab for Ureaplasma215 zł Histopathology120 zł Test Rhd Płodu (Sanco)460 zł Test EndoRNA qRT-PCR2300 zł Test Cancer Screen Basic1500 zł Test Cancer Screen Standard1900 zł Test Cancer Screen Pro2350 zł Cerebellectomy of the cervical canal and uterine cavity2500 zł Cervical polyp removal with cervical canal biopsy and hist-pat examination850 zł Laser excision of a hypertrophied hymen (hymenektomia/hymenotomia)1700 zł Laserowe usuwanie zmian skórnych okolic intymnych (cena bez hist-pat)od 500 zł Laser therapy for glandular ectopia (erosion)800 zł Sono HSG (ExEm Foam) HyCoSy950 zł Consultation for Patients with gestational diabetesod 290 zł Infertility consultation (first visit, 40 min)520 zł Intrauterine infusion of platelet-rich plasma1200 zł Endometriosis consultation - without ultrasound520 zł Endometriosis consultation with ultrasound690 zł Endometriosis consultation with ultrasound - follow-up visit550 zł Perioperative consultation420 zł Colposcopy with consultation450 zł Vulvoscopy with consultation450 zł Colposcopy + taking samples + examining the samples (2)870 zł Taking samples (biopsy) from the vulva, cervix + examination of samples580 zł Consultation + taking samples (biopsy) from the vulva, cervix + examination of samples700 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 1 ampoule - 2 ml440 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 2 ampoules - 4 ml620 zł Morpheus8 V - 1 zabieg2090 zł Morpheus8 V - 2 zabieg1890 zł Morpheus8 V - 3 zabieg1690 zł Morpheus8 V - PAKIET 2 zabiegów3390 zł Morpheus8 V - PAKIET 3 zabiegów4590 zł FormaV - 1 treatment1700 zł FormaV - 2 treatment1500 zł FormaV - 3 treatment1300 zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 2 treatments2700 zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 3 treatments3400 zł V-Tone - PACKAGE of 3 treatments, valid for 2 months1600 zł V-Tone - PAKIET 6 zabiegów2600 zł V-Tone - additional treatment above the package of 6 treatments300 zł Empower PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments)5800 zł Empower + PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments) + V-Tone (3 treatments)6800 zł
Consultation (plastic/aesthetic/reconstructive gynecology)from 300zł O-shot-PRP - sensitization of the clitoris1190zł O-shot-PRP - sensitization of the clitoris PACKAGE (2 treatments, valid for 3 months)2090zł O-shot-PRP + HA - sensitization of the clitoris1360zł O-shot-PRP+HA - sensitization of the clitoris PACKAGE (2 treatments, valid for 3 months)2390zł Labiaplasty of the labia minora6700 - 7100zł Labiaplasty with perineoplasty8100 - 8400zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty7600 - 8500zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty + perineoplasty9500 - 11300zł Labiaplasty + hoodoplasty + plasty of the posterior vaginal wall and perineum 13600 - 14800zł Posterior wedge labiaplasty with deepitalization8200 - 9000zł Labiaplasty of the labia major6100 - 6800zł Unilateral labiaplasty4500zł Labiaplasty - correction after surgery performed outside FemiClinicod 7500zł Hoodoplastyod 3700zł Hoodoplasty - correction after surgery performed outside FemiClinicfrom 4500zł Vaginoplasty (plasty of the posterior vaginal wall)6500 - 7100zł Vaginoplasty (plasty of the posterior vaginal wall) with perineoplasty7800 - 8500zł Perineoplasty4100 - 4600zł Cesarean section scar plastic surgery950zł Cesarean section scar plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid augmentation2050zł Laser excision of a hypertrophied hymen (hymenektomia/hymenotomia)1800zł Vaginal threads1700zł Scar laser therapy (including - after episiotomy and scars after C- section)from 600zł Scar laser therapy – PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)1500zł Vulva laser therapy 1st treatment900zł Vulva laser therapy 2nd treatment800zł Vulva laser therapy 3rd treatment700zł Vulvar laser therapy – PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)1999zł Laser firming of labia minora1099zł Laser removal of perianal skin folds (anoderms) or external hemorrhoids900zł Laser removal of skin lesions in the intimate area1300zł Laser removal of skin lesions in the intimate areafrom 500zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 1st treatment750zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 2nd treatment650zł Lasrotherapy of cutaneous stretch marks 3rd-5th treatment500zł Laseroterapia rozstępów skórnych - PAKIET (5 zabiegów)2400zł MonaLisa Touch 1st treatment1700zł MonaLisa Touch 2nd treatment1450zł MonaLisa Touch 3rd treatment1100zł MonaLisa Touch - PACKAGE (3 treatments, valid for 6 months)3500zł "G" point enlargement1700zł Lightening of intimate areas 1 treatment900zł Lightening of intimate areas 2 treatment800zł Rozjaśnianie okolic intymnych III zabieg i kolejne700zł Rozjaśnianie okolic intymnych – PAKIET (5 zabiegów)3300zł Hyaluronic acid - labia majora 3 ml1600zł Hyaluronic acid - labia majora 6 ml2500zł PRX-T Lady - needle-free revitalization and whitening of the intimate area - 1 treatment PRX-T490zł PRX-T Lady - a package of 3 treatments1250zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 1 ampoule - 2 ml440 zł Collagen (difficult-to-heal wound, scars, regeneration/revitalization of the vagina and vulva, urinary incontinence, lichen sclerosus) 2 ampoules - 4 ml620 zł ------- EmpowerRF treatments - NEW! ------- Morpheus8V - 1 treatment2090zł Morpheus8V - 2 treatment1890zł Morpheus8V - 3 treatment1690zł Morpheus8V - PAKIET 2 zabiegów3390zł Morpheus8V - PAKIET 3 zabiegów4590zł FormaV - 1 treatment1700zł FormaV - 2 treatment1500zł FormaV - 3 treatment1300zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 2 treatments2700zł FormaV - PACKAGE of 3 treatments3400zł V-Tone - PACKAGE of 3 treatments, valid for 2 months1600zł V-Tone - PAKIET 6 zabiegów2600zł V-Tone - additional treatment above the package of 6 treatments300zł Empower PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments)5800zł Empower + PACKAGE - Morpheus8V (2 treatments) + FormaV (2 treatments) + V-Tone (3 treatments)6800zł Follow-up consultation after treatments/operations performed at FemiClinic180zł We kindly inform you that in the event of resignation from treatments within the packages or resignation from the planned treatment within the package without prior cancellation, the funds are not refundable.
NIFTY STANDARD2300 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 i aneuploidie chromosomów płci NIFTY TWINS STANDARD2300 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 NIFTY PLUS2600 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, syndromy delecji i duplikacji NIFTY PRO2500 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, syndromy delecji i duplikacji NIFTY TWINS PRO2500 zł Trisomie 9,13,16,18,21,22, syndromy delecji i duplikacji HARMONY BASIC/GEMINI2350 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 HARMONY STANDARD2450 zł Trisomie 13,18,21 i aneuploidie chromosomów płci HARMONY EXTENDED2600 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecja 22q11.2 - zespół Di George'a PANORAMA2350 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci PANORAMA PLUS2500 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecja 22q11.2 - zespół Di George'a PANORAMA PRO2700 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, triploidia, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a) VERACITY2150 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a) VERAGENE (mother and father)2650 zł Trisomie 13,18,21, aneuploidie chromosomów płci, mikrodelecje ( zespół Di George'a), określenie ryzyka występowania około 100 chorób monogenalnych autosomalnych recesywnych, np.: mukowiscydozy
Pregnancy ultrasound 11-14 weeks + PAPPA test750złPappa Prisca test560złPregnancy ultrasound 11 weeks250złPregnancy ultrasound 11-14 weeks380złPregnancy ultrasound 18-22 weeks380złPregnancy ultrasound after 30 weeks350złPregnancy ultrasound (non-refferal)310złFlash drive with recording of the ultrasound examination (at the Patient's request)60złGynecological ultrasound (TV, transvaginal)250złSonovaginography - ultrasounf of endometriosis590złSonovaginography - endometriosis ultrasound with consultation (40 min)690złUltrasound monitoring ovulation - another test150złAuxiliary ultrasound – without a result printout (gynecological and pregnancy)100złAdditional fee for pregnancy ultrasound - multiple pregnancy100złAdditional fee for pregnancy ultrasound (11-14 weeks, 18-22 weeks, after 30 weeks) - multiple pregnancy180zł
Breast ultrasound250złThyroid ultrasound250złUltrasound of the prostate through the abdominal wall220złUltrasound of lymph nodes220złUltrasound of the salivary glands220złAbdominal ultrasound250złUrinary ultrasound220złCarotid ultrasound220zł
Aesthetic medicine consultation200 zł Aesthetic medicine consultation before the procedure performed after the consultationfree of charge Morpheus treatments – latest generation microneedle radiofrequency Eye area - 1 procedure1250 zł Eye area - Package of 3 procedures3200 zł Face - 1 procedure1700 zł Face - Package of 3 procedures4200 zł Neck - 1 procedure1100 zł Neck - Package of 3 procedures2500 zł Face + Neck - 1 procedure2200 zł Face + Neck - 3 procedures4999 zł Face + Neck + Neckline - 1 procedure2500 zł Face + Neck + Neckline - Package of 3 procedures5999 zł Stretch marks - 1 procedureod 1050 zł Buttocks - 1 procedure1500 zł Buttocks - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Thighs (price per area, i.e. front of thigh, back, inner side, outer side) Thighs - 1 treatment1500 zł Thighs - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Buttocks + back of thigh (2*) - 1 treatment2999 zł Buttocks + back of thigh (2*) - Package of 3 treatments6999 zł Knees - 1 treatment1100 zł Knees - Package of 3 treatments2950 zł Abdomen - 1 treatment1500 zł Abdomen - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł Hands - 1 treatment950 zł Hands - Package of 3 treatments2099 zł Arms - 1 treatment1500 zł Arms - Package of 3 treatments3900 zł * Treatment combined with platelet-rich plasma one area + 700 PLN * Treatment combined with platelet-rich plasma two or three areas + 900 PLN Botox – treatments using botulinum toxin Botox 1 area650 zł Botox 2 areas1150 zł Botox 3 areas1500 zł Botox bruxismod 1200 zł Botox cobblestone chin500 zł Botox neck wrinkle correction650 zł Botox cleavage wrinkle correction650 zł Botox gummy smile550 zł Botox nose tip correction350 zł Botox Lip flip400 zł Botox smoker's wrinkle correction450 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the hands1400 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the armpits1600 zł Botox hyperhidrosis of the feet1600 zł Baby botox600 – 800 zł Post-treatment check-up between 2nd and 4th weekfree of charge Platelet-rich plasma – PRP RegenLab Face - 1 procedure800 zł Face - package of 3 treatments2100 zł Face and neck - 1 treatment1100 zł Face and neck - package of 3 treatments2800 zł Face, neck, neckline - 1 treatment1200 zł Face, neck, neckline - Package of 3 treatments3100 zł Hands - 1 treatment700 zł Hands - package of 3 treatments1800 zł Scalp - 1 treatment900 zł Scalp - package of 3 treatments2400 zł Mesotherapy MD-tissue (1 ampoule)600 zł Package of 3 treatments1500 zł Mesotherapy of the eye area Nucleofill polynucleotides - 1 treatment1300 zł Nucleofill polynucleotides - another treatment1250 zł Nucleofill polynucleotides - package of 3 treatments (valid for 3 months)3500 zł Volumetry (hyaluronic acid) Filling of nasolabial folds - 1-4 ml Cheek modeling - 2-6 ml Chin modeling - 1-3 ml Treatment using 1 ml1200 zł Each subsequent ml1000 zł Tissue biostimulators Karisma - 1 treatment1450 zł Karisma - another treatment1350 zł Karisma - package of 3 treatments (valid for 3 months)3700 zł
Plastic surgery consultation260złBurn treatment consultation260złRemoval of the tufts (1 eye)from 800złPlastic surgery of broken ear holesfrom 800złRemoval of a mole on the facefrom 800złRemoval of a birthmark - trunk, limbsfrom 600złRemoval of facial warts (1 shift)from 800złRemoval of atheromas, lipomas - trunk, limbsfrom 600złUsunięcie kaszaków, tłuszczaków - tułów, kończynyfrom 600złPlastic surgery of inverted nipples6000 - 8000 zł
Consultation350złThyroid ultrasound250złThyroid biopsy410zł
Urogynecological consultation/rehabilitation (60 min.)290 zł Supporting ultrasound - free of charge if necessary.
Z uwagi na częsty problem nieobecności Pacjentek na zarezerwowanych wizytach u Specjalistki z zakresu rehabilitacji uroginekologicznej, wprowadziliśmy zadatek na rzecz umówionej wizyty.
W celu potwierdzenia ustalonego terminu, prosimy o wpłatę zadatku w ciągu 24 godzin od umówienia wizyty – w wysokości 100 zł – na konto bankowe FemiClinic: 56 1050 1041 1000 0092 3748 5017, tytułem: Imię i nazwisko, data wizyty, rehabilitacja uroginekologiczna.
Przedpłata podlega zwrotowi lub zaliczeniu na rzecz innego terminu pod warunkiem, że Pacjentka odwoła/przesunie umówioną wizytę najpóźniej do godziny 12:00 dnia poprzedzającego wizytę.
Preparation for childbirth with a midwife (1h) 280 złNewborn care - practical exercises (1h)280 złBabywearing workshops (2h)270zł ( 310zł z dojazdem do domu ) Patronage visit to a newborn with transport (1h) 300 złLactation advice/consultation (1.5 h) 320 zł
Preparation for pregnacy package 430 zł Pregnancy A package - I trimester705 zł Pregnancy B package - II trimester140 zł Pregnancy C package - III trimester275 zł Miscarriage package740 zł Contraception package180 zł Menstrual disorders package 510 zł Hormonal package 325 zł Thyroid package305 zł Metabolism package560 zł Preventive package for Women and Men305 zł Sexually transmitted diseases package310 zł Healthy Man package (suggested after the age of 40)425 zł Package Surgery/procedure in the field of plastic gynecology260 zł HPV vaccination - Gardasil 9 - 1 dose699 zł Qualification for vaccination during a medical consultation free of charge Qualification for vaccination (additional consultation - 15 min)120 zł
Modern gynecology and healthy pregnancy
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Aesthetic and plastic gynecology, gynecological laser therapy
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* the approximate price list presented above does not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 66 of the Civil Code.
Wydruki dokumentacji medycznej wydawane są bezpłatnie.
Our mission
Femiclinic offer
Healthy pregnancy
Prenatal ultrasound
Prenatal diagnosis
Gynecological laser
Plastic surgery
Urogynecological rehabilitation
School of childbirth
Sample collection facility
HPV vaccinations
Training for doctors
Fundacja Filip
I care about my health
and that's why I chose FemiClinic. I know that the best specialists will take care of me if needed!
I recommend it!
Weronika Książkiewicz